Laroma Therapies In The Community!
Worthing & Adur Business Awards Winner 2016
Laroma Therapies is delighted to now be an award winning business! We attended the Worthing and Adur 2016 Business Awards on Friday 11th November and what an amazing night it was. We were made finalists for three of the awards which were ‘Customer service’, ‘Lifetime achievement’ and ‘ Outstanding contribution to the community’. We felt so lucky to be shortlisted to finalists for three awards given the massive number of businesses which entered and attended the ceremony! We won an award for ‘Outstanding contribution to the community’ and the feeling was overwhelming. We all felt quite shocked on the night and the reality didn’t kick in for a few days after. We’re so grateful to have been able to win this award, given we haven’t even been running a year yet, it’s a huge achievement for us. It shows us that hard work does pay off and all our hard work into the surrounding community hasn’t gone unnoticed. Laroma wants to carry on bringing care and support to our clients and the community and will continue to make sure everyone is looked after in the way they deserve.
The following link contains information about the night itself and the other award winners as well as a short write up about our win of the award-
Sunny Worthing Award Winner 2016
We are award winners for a second time! Once again we’re delighted to say that we won an award this time at the Sunny Worthing awards night. We won an award for ‘Sunniest New Business’ and are so grateful to all our clients and friends who voted for us and made this possible. We really weren’t expecting this and it was an amazing way to kick start 2017 for Laroma Therapies.
To have won 2 awards within the first year of business really means a lot to us and is showing that our hard work and care doesn’t go unnoticed! The two awards we have won, ‘Outstanding contribution to the community’ and ‘Sunniest New Business’ really sums up what
we’re about here. We want to bring care and well being into our clients lives and the community around us and show everyone that we’re a business who believes in treating and caring for everyone no matter who they are or what situation they’re in.
Wehope to have another amazing year at Laroma Therapies and continue to bring treatment and wellbeing into people’s lives and continue to receive the amazing support that we do.
Mind Coastal West Sussex Fundraiser
Our work for Mind coastal West Sussex managed to raise over £1800! This will make a huge difference to this amazing charity.
This charity works so hard and deserves the upmost recognition and support they can get. Our photograph concerning our work with Mind Coastal West Sussex has gone into the Herald and features Lauren, the Mayor of Worthing and also the Town Crier. We held a raffle and raised money for Mind Coastal West Sussex, who are an amazing charity bringing care and support into the lives of many people. Please follow the link to the newspaper article where this is further explained
There’s also an article about Lauren and the work she did for Mind Coastal West Sussex in their Spring 2017 Newsletter.
Cancer Patients Talk At The Chatsworth Hotel
Lauren visited Chatsworth Hotel on the 19th September 2017 to talk with cancer patients. This is a very personal issue for Lauren and it was a very touching day which reminded her of the struggles her own Mum went through with cancer.
The talk was based on looking after you….and explaining what we are and do at Laroma too help.
Even when suffering from a serious illness individuals can sometimes benefit from wellbeing therapy to a degree, from simply being pampered to being able to talk about their experience, sometimes the little things can help a lot.
Laurens Mum has been through Cancer and Mental Health and her experience of both as someone who is directly affected by the illness of a loved one inspires her to do what she can to help other.
The family of those affected by serious illness also need to look after themselves and once again being able to focus on their own wellbeing can benefit them hugely and make them stronger to support their loved ones through those difficult times.
It was lovely for her to be able to talk to these amazing people and give something back to them.
Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation
Lauren from Laroma Therapies and Jamie from Barrett Fitness have teamed up and began working at a drug and alcohol rehabilitation centre in Worthing. Their work there includes meditation classes, massages, breathing techniques and health/nutrition advice. The response so far from patients at the centre has been amazing and it’s a pleasure to be improving the wellbeing of these peoples lives.