The story behind Laroma Therapies ❤


Hello, I’m Lauren; owner and founder of Laroma Therapies. Thank you for visiting our website.
Our wellbeing center is built with love, care, and heartfelt therapies. We are a small family business, and we truly love our center as do our clients.

We opened Laroma in 2015 to create a space Worthing so needed…
A place of healing for the mind, body, and soul of our wonderful community. A healing escape our clients take the time out to relax and unwind in an environment they feel comfortable in.
Our team is trained in-house with love and care and takes pride in helping others seek the best in life physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Laroma is a place our staff loves to be; our job is our passion, and we live by the practices we preach.

Why I set up a well being business?

I saw my mum battling bipolar disorder, throughout my child years, it was tough not only for her but our whole family. My mum was in and out of the hospital and it was very disrupting. As a child I was helpless; but as I grew i studied and fell in love with well being therapies and  I knew I wanted to help others be the best version of themselves mentally and physically.
My passion is helping others live their best life. Taking care of yourself is key; I understood this through having therapies myself and went on a journey to help others from then.

I wouldn’t change my past for the world; tough times helped me become the person I am today; I used it as my strength to create my very own well-being business, but it wasn’t easy. I worked three jobs while studying at college, then finally set up my business working from home.
In 2015 i set up a crowdfund and told my story to the world, i wanted to reach more people and create more awareness on how important it is to look after your mental and physically health, Just over £3000 was raised to open Laroma Therapies. I then spoke to local businesses/family/ friends they all chipped in to to help me create our beautiful space. So Laroma really has come to life from the love of others and how they believed in me and Worthing needed a place of healing on our town. Everyone that helped us i gave complimentary treatments to them and their loved ones so i could help then in return, it was just beautiful to see how a special place can be created from the love and care of others.


Laroma Therpaies is now a established destination and specializes in massage and holistic treatments for men, woman and children.

A double award-winning centre, recognized twice for the love and care we provide. ❤

Just wow not in a millions years did i see this coming, but it just shows when you have empathy, passion and care anything is possible, I will never forget the love we have had from other people getting us off the ground and feel truly blessed i can help change others lives for the positive with massage and holistic therapies like i did my very own.

“I have been extremely stressed recently. I needed some me time and some relaxation.
This was 100% the right place. I had an Indian head massage , reiki and a full body massage which was a little de stress package. Each treatment was fantastic. Lauren also gave me some tips and was a great listener. I cant recommend this more if you need to reset your life/mood/ have some me time. I have woken up this morning in a totally different head space and ready to take on the world . Thank you everyone at Laroma for being so welcoming and kind

I welcome you with a warm heart and open arms to our beautiful retreat. I am so proud to own such a beautiful life-changing place, not only for me, but for my team and clients as well.

All my love,

Lauren xx